PictureNorth American P-51D Mustang "Petie 2nd," Piloted by Major John J.C. Meyer
The 352nd FG or the "Bluenosed Bastards of Bodney" had its beginnings in the merging of smaller units into a superb fighting force which would account for 776 enemy aircraft destroyed, fourth among all 8th Air Force units. The 352nd Fighter Group was constituted in Sept 1942 and activated at Brandley Field, CT on October 1, 1942. The Group flew its first combat mission on September 9, 1943, an uneventful sweep out over the North Sea to escort returning B-17s. Some 40 pilots participated in this mission. Although the 352nd had several minor encounters with the enemy in their early missions, it wasn't until November 26th that Major J. C. Meyer of the 487th Squadron scored their first victory-an Me-109 attacking the bombers near Gronigen-the first of many victories for the 352nd. 

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    November 2013

