PictureA Lockheed P-38 Lighting from the 82nd FG
   Constituted as 82nd Pursuit Group (Interceptor) on January 13, 1942. Activated on February 9, 1942. Redesignated 82nd Fighter Group in May 1942. Trained with P-38's. Moved to Northern Ireland during September-October 1942 for further training. Moved to North Africa in December 1942 and served with Twelfth AF until November 1943. Took part in the defeat of Axis forces in Tunisia, the reduction of Pantelleria, the conquest of Sicily, and the invasion of Italy. Operated against the enemy's air transports; flew dive-bombing and strafing missions; escorted medium bombers in their attacks on enemy shipping and their raids on Naples and Rome; and gave direct support to the ground forces during the invasion of Italy. Received a DUC for a low-level strafing raid against enemy aircraft concentrations at Foggia on August 25, 1943. Received second DUC for performance on September 2, 1943, when the group protected a formation of bombers that encountered strong opposition from enemy interceptors during an attack on marshalling yards near Naples. Moved to Italy in October 1943. Assigned to Fifteenth AF in Nov. Continued to function occasionally as a fighter-bomber organization, supporting Allied armies, flying interdictory missions, and attacking strategic targets. Received third DUC for performance on June 10, 1944, when the 82nd Group braved head-on attacks by hostile fighters to dive-bomb an oil refinery at Ploesti and then strafed targets of opportunity while returning to base. Engaged primarily in escort work, however, from October 1943 to May 1945, covering the operations of heavy bombers that attacked aircraft industries, oil refineries, and other targets in France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, and Bulgaria. Inactivated in Italy on September 9, 1945. Activated in the US on April 12, 1947. Assigned to Strategic Air Command and equipped with P-51's. Assigned to Continental Air Command in Aug 1949. Inactivated on October 12, 1949. Redesignated 82nd Fighter Group (Air Defense). Activated on August 18, 1955. Assigned to Air Defense Command and equipped with F-94 aircraft.
Read More @ http://www.8thafhs.org/fighter/82fg.htm

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